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The approach for managing session expiration in SwiftUI depends on the app's specific requirements and patterns. However, here are some general practices to consider:

  1. Use a centralized state management tool, such as a Store or Redux, to manage session-related data, such as tokens and user authentication status.

  2. Implement a session expiration policy that determines when a session should expire based on inactivity or a predetermined time limit.

  3. Use a timer to monitor the session expiration policy and trigger actions, such as logging out the user and presenting an authentication screen, when the policy determines the session has expired.

  4. Utilize SwiftUI's view modifiers, such as .onDisappear and .onAppear, to trigger actions when a user navigates between screens or the app enters the background.

  5. Handle session expiration errors gracefully by displaying an appropriate message to the user and directing them to re-authenticate or try again later.

  6. Incorporate UI enhancements such as showing a countdown timer or displaying a modal that prompts the user to refresh their session.

By implementing these best practices and keeping user security in mind, SwiftUI can create a highly scalable and secure app.