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There could be several reasons why the rows from a MySQL table are not appearing in POSTMAN:

  1. Incorrect API endpoint: Make sure that the endpoint specified in POSTMAN matches the endpoint of the API that retrieves the rows from the MySQL table.

  2. Authorization/authentication issues: If the API requires authorization or authentication, make sure that the request headers in POSTMAN contain the necessary tokens or credentials.

  3. Request parameters: If the API requires parameters in the request, ensure that the parameters are included in the POSTMAN request.

  4. Server-side issues: There could be issues with the server's configuration or code that prevents the rows from being returned in the response. Check the server-side code and logs for any errors.

  5. Response format: Make sure that the response format specified in POSTMAN matches the format returned by the server. If the server returns data in JSON format, for example, ensure that POSTMAN is expecting a JSON response.