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There could be several reasons why the ngSubmit in Angular is not functioning. Some common reasons include:

  1. Missing or incorrect form tag: ngSubmit is triggered by the form tag in Angular. Make sure you have a form tag in your HTML code that is properly linked to your component.

  2. Improper usage of ngForm: Make sure you define ngForm in the form tag and the form control directive in the input tag to allow Angular to track and process the form data.

  3. Incorrect function call in component: Ensure that the function specified in the ngSubmit directive actually exists in the component that you want to trigger.

  4. The button not inside the form tag: The button that triggers ngSubmit should be inside the form tag.

  5. Missing required modules: Ensure that you have imported all the modules required for ngSubmit to function correctly in your Angular application.

  6. Syntax errors: Check if there are any syntax errors in the code that might be preventing ngSubmit from functioning properly.

By checking these common issues, you can identify and fix the problem that prevents ngSubmit from functioning correctly.