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This could be caused by a few different issues, but the most common are:

  1. You are importing a module that does not exist in your project or is not installed as a dependency. Make sure you have all required packages installed and that the import path is correct.
  2. You are missing a TypeScript declaration file (.d.ts) for the module you are importing. Try installing the module's declaration file from DefinitelyTyped (@types/module-name) or by creating your own declaration file.
  3. There is an issue with your tsconfig.json file. Make sure that you have configured the correct paths and settings for your project. You may need to add additional compiler options or set up explicit paths for certain imports.

To troubleshoot the issue, you can try: - Checking the import path in your ts file - Checking the availability and location of the imported module - Reviewing your tsconfig.json file and ensuring it is correctly configured - Running the Rollup build with the --verbose flag to get more information on the import error