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There could be several reasons why enemy objects are not being detected by raycasts in Unity:

  1. Wrong layer mask: Make sure that the layer mask of the raycast includes the layer of the enemy objects. By default, raycasts ignore trigger colliders, so if the enemy objects have trigger colliders, make sure that the layer mask includes trigger colliders.

  2. Incorrect position or direction of raycast: Check if the position and direction of the raycast are set correctly. The position of the raycast should be the origin of the ray, and the direction of the ray should be pointing towards the enemy object.

  3. Distance is too short: If the distance of the raycast is too short, it may not reach the enemy object. Try increasing the distance of the raycast to ensure that it can reach the enemy object.

  4. Colliders are not properly set up: Check if the enemy objects have colliders attached and if their colliders are set up correctly. Make sure that the colliders are not trigger colliders if you want to detect them with raycasts.

  5. Coding errors: Double-check your code to make sure that there are no errors or mistakes that could be causing the issue. Try running a debug mode to see if there are any errors or warnings that could point to the problem.