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The process of locating the next and previous row in SQL can be done using the following steps:

  1. Define the ordering of the results using an ORDER BY clause in the SELECT statement.

  2. Identify the specific row you want to locate the next and previous rows for. This can be done using a WHERE clause or a specific LIMIT offset.

  3. For the next row, you can use the LIMIT clause with an OFFSET equal to 1 to retrieve the row immediately following the current result.

  4. For the previous row, you can use the LIMIT clause with an OFFSET equal to -1 to retrieve the row immediately preceding the current result.

  5. If you want to retrieve more than just the immediate next or previous row, you can adjust the OFFSET value accordingly.

  6. Optionally, you can add filters to the next and previous queries to ensure they only retrieve results that meet specific criteria.