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Here are the steps to execute artisan commands on docker containers from the host:

  1. First, make sure that the docker container is running. You can check the container status using the “docker ps” command.

  2. Next, you need to get the container ID or name. You can use the “docker ps” command to get a list of running containers along with their ID and name.

  3. Once you have the container ID or name, you can execute the artisan command using the “docker exec” command. Here is an example:

docker exec -it CONTAINERNAMEORID php artisan yourartisan_command

Note: Make sure to replace “CONTAINERNAMEOR_ID” with the actual name or ID of the docker container.

  1. If you want to execute an artisan command that requires environment variables, you can pass them using the “-e” option. Here is an example:

docker exec -it -e DBHOST=yourdbhost -e DBPORT=3306 CONTAINERNAMEORID php artisan yourartisan_command

Note: Replace “yourdbhost” and “3306” with your actual database host and port number.

  1. Finally, if you want to run the artisan command in the background, you can use the “-d” option. Here is an example:

docker exec -d CONTAINERNAMEORID php artisan yourartisan_command

Note: With the “-d” option, the command runs in detached mode, and you won’t see any output on the console.