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There are a few steps to group Unix Timestamp records into daily intervals over a 1 year period:

  1. Convert the Unix Timestamps to a more human-readable format, such as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. This can be done with the FROM_UNIXTIME() function in MySQL or similar functions in other databases.

  2. Extract the date from each timestamp using a function like DATE() in MySQL.

  3. Group the records by date using the GROUP BY clause.

  4. Use a function like COUNT() to get the number of records in each group.

  5. Filter the results to only include dates within the desired 1 year period.

Here is an example query in MySQL:

SELECT DATE(FROM_UNIXTIME(timestamp)) AS date, COUNT(*) AS count
FROM mytable
WHERE timestamp >= UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2020-01-01') 
  AND timestamp < UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2021-01-01')
GROUP BY date;

This will give you a list of daily counts for the year 2020. Note that the timestamps must be in Unix format for this query to work, so you may need to convert them if they are currently in a different format.