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There could be several reasons why the Max, Min, Sum functions are not working in Pycharm exclusively for Python. Some possible reasons include:

  1. Incorrect syntax: Verify that you are using the correct syntax for these functions in your code. Make sure you are using the correct capitalization and spelling.

  2. Incorrect import statement: Ensure that you have imported the correct module that contains the functions. In the case of Max, Min and Sum, you should have imported the built-in module called "math".

  3. Missing function arguments: These functions require one or more arguments. Check that you have provided the correct number of arguments in your code.

  4. Data type errors: These functions are designed to work with specific data types. Ensure that the data types you are providing to the functions are compatible with them.

  5. Python version incompatibility: Finally, it is possible that one of these issues is due to an incompatibility between the version of Pycharm and the version of Python you are using. Check that you have updated both to their latest versions.