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To incorporate additional values into the feature of a layer utilizing vector tiles, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create the additional field/column in the dataset that the vector tiles are sourced from. For example, if you want to add an "age" field to a layer that shows population data, you would need to add this column to your population dataset.

  2. Populate the field/column with data. Using the previous example, you would need to add the age data for each population point in your dataset.

  3. Update the vector tileset with the new information. This can either be done manually or through an automated process depending on the software you are using to create and manage your vector tileset.

  4. Add the new field/column to the layer style in your map. Depending on your mapping software, you may need to adjust the layer style to include the new data values. For example, you may want to change the color gradient of your population layer based on age.

  5. Save and publish your map. Once you have incorporated the additional values into your layer and updated your layer style, you can save and publish your map for others to view and interact with.