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Here are a few possible ways to resolve the issue of stopPropagation method not being added during the focus event:

  1. Use event delegation: Instead of adding focus event listeners directly to the elements that require them, add them to a parent element higher up in the DOM tree. Use event delegation to handle the focus events for the child elements. This approach allows you to use stopPropagation() since the event will be handled by the parent element.

  2. Use capturing phase: In JavaScript, events are processed in two phases - capturing and bubbling. By default, events are processed in the bubbling phase. However, you can use the addEventListener method to capture events during the capturing phase. By capturing the focus event during the capturing phase, you can call stopPropagation() to prevent the event from bubbling up to its parent elements.

  3. Use a different event: Depending on the use case, you may be able to use a different event than focus that supports the stopPropagation() method. For example, you could use click or mouseover events instead of focus to achieve the desired behavior.

  4. Use a different approach to handling events: Sometimes, it may be possible to achieve the desired behavior without using stopPropagation(). For example, you could use a flag variable to track whether an element is focused or not and use that information to prevent events from firing multiple times. The approach you choose will depend on your requirements and the specific use case.