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There could be several issues with the route configuration that could cause a problem in locating the controller for "/api/login_check" in Symfony4. Some of the possible issues are:

  1. Incorrect route definition: The route definition for "/api/login_check" may not be defined correctly in the routing configuration file. The route definition should match the name and namespace of the login controller.

  2. Incorrect namespace or class name: The namespace or class name of the login controller may be incorrect, causing the routing system to fail to locate the controller.

  3. Missing or incorrect annotations: The annotations in the controller class may be incorrect or missing, causing the routing system to be unable to register the route.

  4. Missing or incorrect security configuration: The security configuration in Symfony4 needs specific configuration to allow the "/api/login_check" URL to be processed by the security system. If this configuration is missing or incorrect, the controller may not be located.

  5. Missing or incorrect login controller: It is also possible that the controller for "/api/login_check" is not defined or implemented correctly, causing the routing system to fail to locate the controller.