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Here is a step-by-step procedure for utilizing Firebase phone authentication on Expo with React Native in 2022:

  1. Create a new Firebase project or use an existing one.

  2. Go to the "Authentication" section of your Firebase project and enable the "Phone" sign-in method.

  3. Generate a new Firebase API key by going to your project settings and selecting the "Service Accounts" tab. Then, click on the "Generate new private key" button and download the JSON file that contains your new API key.

  4. In your React Native Expo project, install the necessary Firebase and Expo packages. You can install them using npm or yarn.

  5. Create a new Firebase configuration file in your project's root directory by copying the contents of your Firebase API key JSON file and pasting them into a new file named "firebaseConfig.js". Make sure to import this configuration file into your main app file.

  6. Implement the Firebase phone authentication logic in your app. You can use Expo's built-in "PhoneInput" component to collect the user's phone number, and then use Firebase's "signInWithPhoneNumber" method to send verification codes and authenticate the user.

  7. To handle Firebase phone authentication callbacks, you can use the "onAuthStateChanged" method provided by Firebase. This method will be called whenever the user's authentication status changes.

  8. Test your Firebase phone authentication integration thoroughly to ensure it is working as expected.

  9. Publish your app to the app store or distribute it to your users.

  10. Monitor your app's usage and performance, and make updates as needed to improve the user experience.