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The process for linking GCP's MySQL to Node.js on Firebase can be broken down into the following steps:

  1. Set up a Cloud SQL instance: Go to the Google Cloud Console and create a Cloud SQL instance. Make sure you enable the necessary APIs and set the correct permissions.

  2. Create a database: Once your Cloud SQL instance is set up and running, create a database that your Node.js application will use.

  3. Configure the MySQL instance: Configure your MySQL instance so that it can accept external connections. You can use the Cloud SQL Proxy for this.

  4. Install MySQL NPM module: Install the MySQL module for Node.js using npm.

  5. Connect to the database: In your Node.js code, create a connection to the MySQL database using the credentials you set up in step 2.

  6. Use the database: Once you have connected to the database, you can perform queries and manipulate data using SQL commands.

  7. Deploy your app on Firebase: Deploy your Node.js application on Firebase and test your database connection.

Note: It is recommended that you use a connection pool for your Node.js app to manage connections to the database efficiently.