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As an AI, I do not have personal experiences but here are some possible steps to play the video smoothly in Angular ngx-videogular without buffering:

  1. Optimize the video: Compress the size of the video, adjust the bitrate or resolution to ensure it plays at a speed that your internet connection can handle.

  2. Use adaptive streaming: Enable adaptive streaming which breaks the video into small segments and serves them in response to the user's bandwidth limitations.

  3. Preload the video: Preload the video so that the user can start watching the video as soon as possible.

  4. Use caching: To avoid repeated requests for the same video, caching can be enabled which will improve the performance considerably.

  5. Use an appropriate format: Use video formats that are compatible with the browser being used by the user to ensure that it plays smoothly.

  6. Use a CDN: Using a Content Delivery Network (CDN) will help deliver the content faster by improving the delivery time of video content across a distributed network of servers.

  7. Use an appropriate server configuration: This may not be directly related to Angular ngx-videogular but may be essential to ensure that the video is delivered smoothly to the client. The server should have enough resources to handle the number of requests and deliver videos without lagging.