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There could be several reasons why the @Cacheable feature in Spring Cache may fail to work when called from a different method within the same bean. Here are some possible reasons:

  1. Incorrect Cache Configuration: The cache configuration might not be set up correctly. Make sure the cache manager is properly configured and the relevant cache name and key are specified.

  2. Interception Order: The order in which cacheable methods are intercepted by Spring Cache may cause issues. Ensure that the Cacheable annotation is applied to the right method and that the methods are called in the correct order.

  3. Cacheable Key: The key used for caching may be incorrect or missing. Ensure that the key is properly generated, using the correct data, and that it is consistent across all relevant methods.

  4. Method Visibility: The method visibility may be incorrect. Ensure that the caching method is public and calls to it are also public.

  5. Looping Conditions: The cache may enter a loop due to certain conditions that will cause unwanted behaviors. Ensure that you break the loop by reintroducing null entries within the cache.

  6. Spring Cache Bug: Finally, there may be a bug in the Spring Cache implementation. Check the version of Spring being used and any known issues with the version implementing it. If necessary, check if there is any posted work-around or patches that are applicable in your situation.