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Here are the general steps for creating a shared library for armv8-a architecture using It++:

  1. Install the required software: You need to install the required software for cross-compiling your library for armv8-a architecture. This includes cross-compilers and libraries specific to the target architecture.

  2. Configure the build: You need to configure the build process for building the shared library for armv8-a architecture. This includes specifying the target architecture and the cross-compiler to use.

  3. Build the library: Once the build is configured, you can build the shared library by running the build command. This will create the shared library file that can be used by other programs.

  4. Test the library: Once the shared library is built, you should test it to ensure that it works as expected. This includes testing its functions and compatibility with other programs that use the library.

  5. Distribute the library: Finally, you can distribute the shared library to others who need to use it. This may involve packaging it into a software package or making it available for download.