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Here are some steps that may help you troubleshoot the issue:

  1. Make sure you have the correct image file path in the CSS code. You can check this by clicking on the image URL in the CSS code and see if the image is loading in the browser.

  2. Check if the image file is located in the correct directory of your website. If it is not in the same directory as your HTML and CSS files, you need to specify the correct path in your CSS code.

  3. Check if the image file size is too large. Large image files may take longer to load and may slow down your website.

  4. Try adding a height and width to your CSS code to make sure the image has dimensions and is not being hidden.

  5. Try clearing your browser cache by refreshing the page with a hard refresh (Ctrl + F5) or by opening the site in a private browsing window.

If none of these steps work, ask for help on Stack Overflow with your code and a detailed explanation of the issue you're experiencing.