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The authentication process for a Spring Cloud Config Server with a Vault backend can be set up by utilizing the Vault Sidecar Agent in the following way:

  1. Install and configure the Vault Sidecar Agent on the same host as the Spring Cloud Config Server.
  2. Configure the Sidecar Agent to authenticate with Vault using the appropriate authentication mechanism, such as GitHub or LDAP.
  3. Update the Spring Cloud Config Server's bootstrap.yml file to include the Vault Sidecar Agent configuration, including the Vault token and endpoint.
  4. Configure the Spring Cloud Config Server to use the Vault backend by specifying the Vault profile in the bootstrap.yml file.
  5. Create a policy in Vault to grant the Spring Cloud Config Server the necessary permissions to read configuration data.
  6. Write the configuration data to Vault using the appropriate key-value pairs and paths.
  7. Verify that the Spring Cloud Config Server is able to retrieve the configuration data from Vault by accessing it through the /{application}/{profile} endpoint.

By using the Vault Sidecar Agent, the authentication process can be simplified and secured by preventing the Spring Cloud Config Server from directly accessing Vault and instead relying on the Sidecar Agent to handle authentication and communication with Vault.