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There are several ways to remove a record from an Access table based on a reference in Excel. One way is to use a query in Access that uses the reference to identify the record and delete it. Here are the steps:

  1. Open Access and open the table from which you want to delete a record.
  2. Click on the "Create" tab and select "Query Design."
  3. Add the table to the query designer by double-clicking on it.
  4. Add the fields you want to display in the query by dragging them from the table to the grid.
  5. Under the "Design" tab, click on the "Criteria" row for the field that corresponds to the reference in Excel.
  6. Enter the reference in the criteria row. (For example, if the reference is in cell A1 in Excel, you would enter [Excel Reference]=[Sheet Name$A1].)
  7. Save the query and run it to check that it returns the correct record.
  8. Once you're sure the query is correct, change it to a delete query by clicking on the "Query Type" icon in the "Query Type" group and selecting "Delete."
  9. Save the query and run it to delete the record.