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One can identify a build error that occurs due to incompatible classes in dependencies in Flutter by following these steps:

  1. Check the error message: The error message usually indicates which dependencies are causing the issue. Look for keywords like "conflict" or "incompatible" to narrow down the search.

  2. Check the version of dependencies: Make sure that all dependencies are using the same version of packages. Check the pubspec.yaml file to verify the version numbers.

  3. Search for solutions on the internet: Many developers have faced similar issues and have shared their solutions online. Search for the error message on Google or Stack Overflow to see if anyone has a fix.

  4. Remove dependencies: If nothing seems to work, try removing the dependencies causing the issue one by one and see if the build succeeds.

  5. Reinstall dependencies: Finally, try deleting the pubspec.lock file and running the command "flutter pub get" to reinstall all dependencies. This can sometimes fix build issues caused by conflicting dependencies.