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Windows Forms double-buffering is a technique used to reduce or eliminate flicker when drawing graphics in a WinForms application. When double-buffering is enabled, all graphics are drawn to an off-screen bitmap that is then copied to the screen in one operation, rather than drawing directly onto the screen. This eliminates the flicker that can occur when redrawing graphics directly on the screen.

View clipping is another technique used in WinForms to improve the performance of drawing operations. View clipping limits the drawing operations to only the portion of the control that is visible on the screen. This can greatly reduce the amount of drawing that needs to be done and can improve performance, especially for complex graphics operations.

Together, double-buffering and view clipping can greatly improve the performance and visual quality of WinForms applications that include graphics. By reducing flicker and focusing drawing operations only on the visible portion of the screen, these techniques can make graphics-intensive applications look smoother and respond more quickly to user input.