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Certain Macro VBA Excel 2019 scripts may fail to execute on Excel 2013 for a few different reasons.

Firstly, Excel 2019 has additional features and functionality that may not be available in Excel 2013. If the script is utilizing any of these features, it may not be compatible with the earlier version.

Secondly, Excel 2019 may use a different version of the VBA programming language than Excel 2013, which can also cause issues with compatibility.

Lastly, there may be differences in how Excel 2013 and Excel 2019 handle certain functions or commands that the script relies on. This can cause errors or unexpected behavior when running the script on an earlier version of Excel.

In order to ensure compatibility, it may be necessary to modify the script or find workarounds that allow it to work on both Excel 2019 and 2013. Alternatively, updating to a newer version of Excel may be necessary if the script heavily relies on features only available in the latest version.