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To obtain an APNS token for FCM in an electron application, you would need to follow these steps:

  1. Create a Firebase project and add your electron application to it.

  2. Enable FCM in the Firebase console.

  3. Generate an Apple Push Notification service (APNs) certificate using the Apple Developer portal.

  4. Create a new FCM project in the Firebase console, and upload the APNs certificate to enable communication with the APNs server.

  5. Implement the FCM SDK in your electron application.

  6. Use the Firebase Cloud Messaging API to obtain an APNs token and register your application with the FCM server.

  7. Save the APNs token on your server database.

  8. Use the APNs token to send Push Notifications to your electron application using Firebase Cloud Messaging.

  9. Test Push Notifications on your electron application.

Note: Steps 3, 4, and 6 will require a developer account with Apple.