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One way to combine multiple array formulas while maintaining a neat output in golf conversions is to use the IF function along with the CONCATENATE function.

For example, suppose we want to convert golf scores from their numeric format (e.g. 72) to their verbal format (e.g. "even par"). We can use the following array formula:

=IF(A1:A10<72,"+",IF(A1:A10>72,"-",""))&IF(A1:A10=72,"even par",IF(A1:A10<72,"under "&ABS(A1:A10-72),"over "&ABS(A1:A10-72)&" par"))

This formula combines three array formulas: one for determining whether the score is above, below, or equal to par, one for determining the absolute value of the difference between the score and par, and one for concatenating the appropriate strings to form the final output. The IF function allows us to nest these formulas within each other, while the CONCATENATE function lets us combine multiple strings into one output cell.

The result of this formula will be a neatly formatted table of golf scores, with each score converted to its verbal format.