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There could be a few different reasons why Git Large File Storage (LFS) is not pushing to the repository, including:

  1. Authentication issues: If you have not properly authenticated with your Git LFS provider, then Git LFS will not be able to push the large files to the repository. Make sure you have the correct credentials and have configured Git LFS to use them.

  2. Network connectivity problems: If you have a poor internet connection, this could be preventing Git LFS from pushing the files to the repository. Check your network settings and try pushing again when you have a stronger connection.

  3. Incorrect repository configuration: It's possible that the repository itself is not properly configured to support Git LFS. Make sure that the repository has been configured to use Git LFS and that the necessary settings are in place.

  4. File size limitations: Some Git LFS providers may have limits on the size of files that can be uploaded. If you're trying to push a file that is larger than the provider's limit, this could be causing the push to fail.

  5. Permission issues: Make sure that you have the necessary permissions to push to the repository. If you're not an authorized user, this could be preventing Git LFS from pushing the files to the repository.