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To convert a wavefront query into a Prometheus query, follow these steps:

  1. Understand the metric syntax: The metric syntax for both Wavefront and Prometheus is different. Wavefront uses a dotted notation, whereas Prometheus uses a forward slash notation. For example, aws.ec2.cpu.utilization in Wavefront would be aws_ec2_cpu_utilization in Prometheus.

  2. Identify the aggregation functions: Wavefront supports a variety of aggregation functions, such as mean, max, min, sum, etc. Prometheus also has similar aggregation functions, such as avg, max_over_time, min_over_time, sum_over_time, etc.

  3. Convert time windows: Wavefront supports different time windows, such as 1h, 1d, 1w, etc. In Prometheus, you can convert time windows using the time() function, such as 1h would be time() - 1h.

  4. Add labels: Prometheus requires labels to identify the different dimensions of the data. You can add labels to a Prometheus query using the label_replace() function.

Overall, the process of converting a wavefront query into a Prometheus query depends on the specific metric and data you are working with.