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There are several possible reasons for the dropping of Primary Key and Identity properties at the Subscriber in SQL Server Transactional Replication, including:

  1. Schema Changes: If there are any schema changes made to the publication database, it can lead to the dropping of Primary Key and Identity properties at the subscriber end.

  2. Reinitialization: If the replication is being reinitialized, it can cause the dropping of Primary Key and Identity properties.

  3. Data Type Changes: If the data types of the columns involved in Primary Key and Identity properties are changed, it can also cause the dropping of these properties.

  4. Conversion Errors: During the replication process, if there are any conversion errors, it can cause the dropping of Primary Key and Identity properties.

  5. Constraints Violations: If there are any constraints violations at the Subscriber end, it can also cause the dropping of Primary Key and Identity properties.

To prevent these issues, it is recommended to carefully plan and monitor the replication process, avoid schema changes during replication, and ensure data types and constraints are consistent between the Publisher and Subscriber.