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A dynamic list can be linked to the MDC (Material Design Components) menu by following these steps:

  1. Determine the dynamic list data source: The data source of the dynamic list must be determined. It can be an API, a database, or any other data source.

  2. Create a menu item: Create a menu item in the MDC menu that will display the dynamic list.

  3. Create a list component: Create a list component that will display the dynamic list items. The list component should be designed according to the MDC guidelines.

  4. Link the menu item to the list component: Link the menu item to the list component. This can be done by adding an event listener to the menu item that will trigger the display of the list component.

  5. Populate the list component: Populate the list component with the data from the dynamic list data source. This can be done using JavaScript or any other programming language.

  6. Add search and filter options: Add search and filter options to the list component to make it easier for users to find the items they are looking for.

  7. Test and refine: Test the linked dynamic list and refine it until it meets the desired functionality and design expectations.