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There could be several reasons why adding more tests does not result in improved test coverage in SonarQube. Here are a few things to consider:

  1. Analyze the test results: SonarQube may not automatically update the test coverage results. You may need to run a new analysis to update the coverage results. Make sure that your tests are running successfully and reporting the correct coverage.

  2. Verify SonarQube configuration: Ensure that your SonarQube configuration is set up correctly to analyze your codebase and tests to calculate the coverage metrics. Check if the SonarQube plugin is configured properly in your project and if it has access to the correct source code and test directories.

  3. Check for excluded files: Verify if any of the new test files have been excluded from the SonarQube analysis. Check the SonarQube settings to make sure that all test files are included in the analysis.

  4. Test quality: Adding more test cases does not always improve the quality of the code. Make sure your tests are checking for the correct behavior, making the correct assertions, and covering all edge cases. Quality tests will contribute to improved coverage reports.

  5. Check for code duplication: Duplicate code may skew the coverage results by considering the same code as both covered and uncovered. Ensure that there are no code duplications in your codebase, which could create coverage inconsistencies.

By addressing these points, you will be able to accurately assess the test coverage of your project and identify areas that need improvement.