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To generate a type with keys associated with a union type and diverse value types, you can follow these steps:

  1. Define the union type: Decide on the possible types for the value of the keys. This could be a combination of primitives (string, number, boolean), custom types, or other union types.

  2. Create an interface: Define an interface that includes the keys you want to use and the generic type for the value. Use the union type as the generic type.

interface KeyUnion<T> {
    key1: T;
    key2: T;
    key3: T;
  1. Implement the interface: Create a new type that implements the interface and specifies the specific types for each key.
type MyType = KeyUnion<string | number>;

let myObj: MyType = {
    key1: "hello",
    key2: 123,
    key3: "world"

In this example, the interface KeyUnion is defined to have three keys (key1, key2, and key3) with a generic type T. The MyType type is created by specifying that the value for each key can be either a string or a number. Finally, a variable myObj is declared as an object with keys matching the ones in KeyUnion and the values set to either a string or a number.