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There could be several reasons why Excel continues running in the background even after a VBA program has finished with a particular method call:

  1. Incorrect use of objects: If the program is not properly closing or releasing Excel objects after use, it can cause Excel to keep running in the background. Make sure to set objects to "Nothing" and close workbooks or instances of Excel appropriately.

  2. Long-running macros: If the macro takes a long time to complete, Excel may continue running in the background until the macro has finished executing. It is important to optimize the code and eliminate unnecessary operations to improve efficiency.

  3. Events and callbacks: If the code is using events and callbacks, Excel may continue running in the background because it is waiting for these events to complete. Make sure to properly handle events and callbacks in the code.

  4. External add-ins or programs: If the code is using external add-ins or programs, it may cause Excel to continue running in the background. Make sure to properly close and release any external dependencies after use.

In summary, Excel can continue running in the background if there are issues with the code, use of objects, long-running macros, events and callbacks, or external dependencies.