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Yes, it is possible to maintain nested lists on the left side of their container without disrupting their hierarchy by using proper indentation for each level of the list. This can be achieved using CSS styling, where each level of the list is indented with a specified number of pixels or percentage from the left side. For example:

ul { list-style: none; padding-left: 20px; }

ul ul { padding-left: 40px; }

ul ul ul { padding-left: 60px; }

This code specifies that the first level of the unordered list (ul) should have a left padding of 20 pixels, the second level of the unordered list should have a left padding of 40 pixels, and the third level of the unordered list should have a left padding of 60 pixels. This creates a visually appealing and well-structured nested list that maintains its hierarchy.