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The ERRINCOMPLETECHUNKED_ENCODING problem usually occurs when the server does not send the complete response to the browser. To resolve this problem when using React, the following solutions can be tried:

  1. Try clearing the browser cache and cookies, as sometimes stored data can cause this issue.

  2. Check if any third-party extensions or plugins are causing interference in the network. If so, disable them temporarily and try again.

  3. Ensure that the server is sending the complete response and there are no issues with the backend code. You can try testing the server response using tools like Postman or curl.

  4. If the issue persists, try changing the response headers in the server's code to explicitly set the content-length and transfer-encoding headers.

  5. If none of the above solutions work, try upgrading the browsers to the latest version, as some older versions may have issues with chunked encoding.

Overall, it is necessary to check the code on both the frontend and backend, as well as the network settings, to resolve the ERRINCOMPLETECHUNKED_ENCODING issue when using React.