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There could be several reasons why min() and numpy.amin() provide an inaccurate minimal value:

  1. Data Type: The data type of the elements in the array can affect the accuracy of the minimal value. For example, if the array contains decimal values and the data type is an integer, the minimal value could be inaccurate.

  2. NaN (Not a Number) Values: If the array contains NaN values, the minimal value calculation could be affected as well.

  3. Precision: The precision of the calculation can also impact the accuracy of the minimal value. Some calculations may require higher precision than what is being used.

  4. Algorithm: The algorithm used by the function to calculate the minimal value could also impact the accuracy. Some algorithms may be more accurate than others.

  5. Rounding Errors: Rounding errors can occur during the calculation of the minimal value, which can lead to an inaccurate result.