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To convert a snowflake transient table to a permanent one, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Snowflake account and open the database containing the transient table.

  2. Execute the following SQL statement to create a new permanent table with the same schema as the transient table:

CREATE TABLE permtable LIKE transienttable;

Note: Replace "permtable" and "transienttable" with the names of the new permanent table and the existing transient table, respectively.

  1. Execute the following SQL statement to copy data from the transient table to the permanent one:

INSERT INTO permtable SELECT * FROM transienttable;

  1. Verify that the data has been copied successfully by running a SELECT statement on the new permanent table:

SELECT * FROM perm_table;

  1. Optionally, you can drop the transient table to free up space and avoid confusion.

DROP TABLE transient_table;

Note: Dropping the transient table before verifying the data has been copied to the permanent table could result in data loss. Always verify the data before dropping the transient table.