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Yes, there are several tools available for formatting the DOM tree with whitespace text nodes to improve its visual presentation. Some of them are:

  1. HTML Tidy - It is a popular tool that can clean up and format HTML, XHTML, and XML code.

  2. BeautifulSoup - It is a Python library that can extract, navigate, and parse HTML and XML files. It can also add whitespace to the HTML and make it more readable.

  3. DOM Distiller - It is a browser extension that can extract the content of a web page and remove all the unwanted elements. It can also format the remaining HTML code with whitespace text nodes.

  4. XML Formatter - It is an online tool that can format and beautify XML and HTML code. It can also add indentation and line breaks to the code to improve its readability.

  5. CloudConvert - It is a web-based tool that can convert and beautify HTML, XML, and other file formats. It can also include white spaces and make the code more organized.