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There are several methods for simultaneous execution of processes in an asynchronous application for multiple web users. Some of these are:

  1. Multithreading: This involves creating multiple threads of execution within a single process to handle different tasks concurrently. This is a commonly used approach in server-side programming.

  2. Event-driven programming: This is a programming paradigm in which the flow of execution is determined by events or triggers rather than a linear sequence of instructions. This approach is often used for real-time applications such as games and chat applications.

  3. Reactive programming: This is a programming paradigm that focuses on creating responsive and scalable applications that can handle high traffic and complex data streams. This involves using reactive frameworks and libraries that provide mechanisms for handling asynchronous operations.

  4. Microservices architecture: This involves breaking down an application into multiple smaller services that can be developed, deployed, and scaled independently. Each service can handle a specific task asynchronously, improving the overall performance and scalability of the application.