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Here are the steps to create a demo website for our client using Laravel:

  1. Install Laravel: First, we need to install Laravel by using the command "composer create-project laravel/laravel projectname". This command installs the latest version of Laravel on our system.

  2. Set up the database: Next, we have to create a database for our project. We can create a new database in MySQL by using the command "CREATE DATABASE db_name;".

  3. Configure the database: To connect our project with the database, we need to edit the ".env" file located in the root directory of our Laravel project. We have to set the database name, username, and password in this file.

  4. Create a Model: Now, we have to create a model using the command "php artisan make:model ModelName". The model file will be created in the "app" directory.

  5. Create a Migration: A migration file is used to create or modify tables in the database. We can create a migration file using the command "php artisan make:migration createtablename". The migration file will be created in the "database/migrations" directory.

  6. Run Migration: To run a migration, we need to use the command "php artisan migrate". This command will execute all the migration files and create tables in the database.

  7. Create a Controller: A Controller is used to control the flow of our application. We can create a controller file using the command "php artisan make:controller ControllerName". The controller file will be located in the "app\Http\Controllers" directory.

  8. Create a Route: A route is used to define the URL structure of our application. We can create a route in the "routes/web.php" file.

  9. Create a View: In Laravel, we can use Blade Templates to create views. We can create a Blade Template file by using the command "php artisan make:view viewname".

  10. Test the application: Finally, we can run the application using the command "php artisan serve". This command will start a development server and we can access our application in the browser.

These are the steps to create a demo website for our client using Laravel. We can modify the code as per the requirements.