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Autodesk Forge provides a Data Management API that allows multiple users to upload and access their translated URNs. The Data Management API provides a central repository for storing and managing data associated with Forge applications.

To handle the loading of translated URNs from various users, the Forge applications can use the Data Management API to upload the translated URNs to a specific location within the Autodesk cloud storage. This location will act as a central repository for all translated URNs from all users.

Once the URNs are uploaded to the cloud, the Forge applications can use the Model Derivative API to retrieve the translated model data and display it in a viewer. The Model Derivative API makes it easy to translate design files from one format to another and to extract metadata from the design files.

So, by using the Data Management and Model Derivative APIs together, Autodesk Forge can handle the loading of translated URNs from various users and provide easy access to the translated models for viewing and other purposes.