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There are a few potential issues with exporting "default" in React and Redux, including:

  1. Using named exports instead of default exports: React and Redux generally prefer using named exports instead of default exports. This can avoid potential naming conflicts and make it clearer what specific components or functions are being imported.

  2. Issues with tree shaking: Tree shaking is a technique used by modern JavaScript bundlers (like Webpack) to eliminate unused code from the final bundle. However, if a module uses default exports, it can make it more difficult for the bundler to determine which functions or components are actually used and which aren't.

  3. Inconsistent use of default exports: While default exports can be useful in some situations, overuse or inconsistent use can make it difficult for other developers to understand the module's structure and how to properly import and use its components or functions.

In the specific case of the error message mentioned in the question, it's possible there is a problem with how the library is exporting its default export. The developer may need to investigate the library code more closely to determine the issue.