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There could be several reasons that you are getting an error in SQL/CFML indicating a missing keyword, such as:

  1. Syntax error: If you have not followed the correct syntax for SQL/CFML, then you may get an error message indicating a missing keyword. Make sure that you have used the correct keywords for your SQL/CFML statement and that the syntax is correct.

  2. Missing table or column name: If you are trying to reference a table or column name that does not exist in the database, then you may get an error message indicating a missing keyword. Check that you have spelled the table or column name correctly and that it exists in the database.

  3. Improper use of operators: If you have used operators incorrectly in your SQL/CFML statement, then you may get an error message indicating a missing keyword. Check that you have used the correct operator and that it is in the correct position in your statement.

  4. Incorrect data type: If you have specified the wrong data type for a column or variable in your SQL/CFML statement, then you may get an error message indicating a missing keyword. Check that you have specified the correct data type for your table or variable.

  5. Missing required parameter: If you have not provided a required parameter in your SQL/CFML statement, then you may get an error message indicating a missing keyword. Check that you have provided all required parameters for your SQL/CFML statement.