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There could be several reasons why rbenv or chruby may not be switching to an installed version of Ruby, including:

  1. The version of Ruby may not be properly installed or configured.

  2. The version of Ruby may not be listed in the rbenv or chruby configuration file.

  3. The shell environment may not be properly configured to use rbenv or chruby (e.g., the PATH variable may not be set up correctly).

  4. There may be conflicts or dependencies with other software on the system.

  5. There may be errors or inconsistencies in the rbenv or chruby configuration files.

  6. There may be permissions or ownership issues with the Ruby installation or related directories.

To resolve these issues, you may need to troubleshoot the specific error messages or symptoms, verify that the correct version of Ruby is installed and configured properly, check the rbenv or chruby configuration files, and ensure that the shell environment is set up correctly.