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To re-index Solr in Alfresco, follow these steps:

  1. Stop Alfresco, including all Alfresco-related services.
  2. Remove the Solr data folder (e.g. solr4/index).
  3. Restart Alfresco.
  4. Wait a few minutes for Solr to rebuild the indexes.
  5. Verify that the re-indexing has completed successfully by checking the Alfresco log files for any errors or warnings related to Solr.

Alternatively, you can use the Alfresco provided scripts to re-index solr: 1. Go to the directory [Alfresco-Home]/bin 2. Execute the following command: ./solr clean This will remove existing index data and clean the Solr index. 3. In order to re-index the Solr index execute the following command: ./ This will initiate the reindexing of the repository content.

Note: On Windows platform, the scripts will be in the [Alfresco-Home]/alfresco-service/bin directory.