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There could be several reasons why Superset is unable to initiate using Docker Compose:

  1. Incorrect Docker Compose configuration: Make sure you have correctly configured your Docker Compose file with the right version of Python, Postgres, and Superset packages.

  2. Port conflict: Superset needs to run on a specific port. Ensure that the port is available and not being used by any other app or service.

  3. Insufficient resources: Docker Compose requires sufficient resources to run Superset. Make sure you have provided enough memory, CPU, and disk space for Docker Compose.

  4. Firewall or network issues: Check if there are any firewall or network issues that might be preventing the container from accessing external resources.

  5. Missing dependencies: Make sure you have installed all the required dependencies and libraries for Superset to work correctly.

If none of the above solutions work, try checking the logs to get more information about the error message or seek help from the Superset community.