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One method to activate an HTML button upon pressing the "Enter" key in a textbox is by using JavaScript.

First, add an ID to your textbox and button elements:

<input type="text" id="myTextbox">
<button id="myButton">Search</button>

Then, add JavaScript code to listen for the Enter key press event on the textbox and trigger a click on the button element:

document.getElementById("myTextbox").addEventListener("keyup", function(event) {
  if (event.keyCode === 13) { // 13 is the keycode for Enter

This code adds an event listener to the textbox element that listens for keyup events. When the Enter key is pressed (keyCode 13), it prevents the default action (submitting the form) and triggers a click on the button element. This activates the button's click event handler, which can then perform the desired action.