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The process for updating the source code of a Google Cloud Function involves the following steps:

  1. Access the Google Cloud Console and navigate to the Cloud Functions section.

  2. Locate the function that needs to be updated and click on its name to open its details page.

  3. On the details page, click the Edit button to access the function settings.

  4. In the Function code section, select the option to either provide the code inline or upload it from a ZIP archive.

  5. If providing the code inline, make the necessary changes to the function code in the editor window. If uploading from a ZIP archive, select the archive file from your local machine.

  6. Click the Save button to save the changes and update the function code.

  7. Test the updated function to ensure that it works as expected.

  8. Monitor the function's performance and troubleshoot any issues that may arise.

  9. When necessary, repeat the process to make additional updates or changes to the function.