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To utilize the "EVP_PKEY" and "X509" generated in C or Pyx code and invoke the C program through Python code, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a C interface using the ctypes module in Python to import and call C functions from your C library.

  2. Load your C library using ctypes, using functions like "ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary".

  3. Declare the signature of the C function you want to call in Python, using ctypes' "CFUNCTYPE" function.

  4. Call the C function from Python.

  5. Pass the "EVP_PKEY" and "X509" generated in C or Pyx code as arguments to the C function, using ctypes' "POINTER" function to create a pointer to the object.

  6. Use the C function to perform the desired actions on the "EVP_PKEY" and "X509" objects.

  7. If necessary, use ctypes' "byref" function to pass references to the objects back to Python for further processing.

Overall, the process involves creating a C interface in Python using ctypes to load and call C functions and passing the required objects between Python and C using pointers and references.