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The "cuDNN error: CUDNNSTATUSMAPPING_ERROR" typically occurs when there is a mismatch between the data type, dimensions of the input, and the configuration setup. Below are some ways to resolve this error:

  1. Check data type mismatch: Ensure that the data type of the input data matches the data type specified in the configuration setup.

  2. Check dimension mismatch: Verify that the input dimensions match the dimensions specified in the configuration setup.

  3. Update your driver version: Ensure that your driver version is up-to-date as an outdated version might cause errors.

  4. Reinstall CUDA and cuDNN: Uninstall and then reinstall both the CUDA and cuDNN libraries. Make sure they are compatible versions.

  5. Check training configuration: Check the training parameters set up and make sure they are not causing the error.

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the "cuDNN error: CUDNNSTATUSMAPPING_ERROR."