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There can be multiple reasons why MySQL might shut down unexpectedly, so the solution to resolve the issue can vary. However, here are some common ways to troubleshoot and fix the issue:

  1. Check MySQL error logs: Review the MySQL error logs to know the exact reason behind the shutdown. You can find the error logs in the MySQL data directory or in the MySQL configuration file. Fix the issue that caused the error, and restart MySQL.

  2. Increase the MySQL buffer pool size: If MySQL is running out of memory, it can shut down unexpectedly. Increase the "innodbbufferpool_size" parameter in the MySQL configuration file to allocate more memory to MySQL.

  3. Check permission and ownership: Ensure that the MySQL data directory and files are owned by the "mysql" user and group. If not, change the ownership with the "chown" command.

  4. Check disk space and free memory: Ensure that your server has enough disk space and free memory available to run MySQL. If not, free up some space by removing unwanted files, or upgrade your server to get more space and memory.

  5. Upgrade MySQL: If you are running an outdated version of MySQL, upgrade to the latest version to get bug fixes and performance improvements.

  6. Seek expert help: If none of the above solutions work, seek help from an experienced MySQL administrator or consultant who can diagnose and fix the issue.